Local Authority Briefing Summer/Autumn 2016

Walker Love Local Authority Briefing

Welcome to the latest edition of our briefing for Scottish Local Authorities.

Click here to download a copy

Focusing on the Local Authority Forum held in June 2016, we were delighted that Yvonne MacDermid, Money Advice Scotland, Gary Weir, Glasgow City Council and Carol Kirk from the Accountant in Bankruptcy could join us on the day.

Each of  guest presenters delivered a very informative presentation with a  range of insights and discussion points, including Treating Vulnerable Clients Fairly, the new Bankruptcy legislation and the experiences so far, and improving collection rate performance and sharing best practice.

Click on any of the links below to download a pdf to read on your desktop, tablet device or mobile.

Data Protection: Know the facts
MAS: Treating vulnerable clients fairly – what needs to be done?
New legisaltion in Scotland and what’s on the AIB’s agenda 2016/17?
Working in partnership with Walker Love: Glasgow City Council case study