
This website has been designed with these accessibility guidelines in mind and we make sure that navigation throughout the site works in a consistent way.

  • We use a standard web font to make it easy for all to read. In most cases, the size of the font can be adjusted according to your needs, using standard browser and operating system options – see below.
  • All the images are given ‘alt text’ alternatives except those which are only decorative; the tags for these are left blank
  • Using descriptive hyperlink text.
  • Avoiding the use of frames, which are difficult for special browsers to interpret.
  • Using an easy-to-see web colour scheme
  • We never use colour as the only way to convey information.
  • All links have been written in order to make sense when read out of context.

We have built this site using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) which means you can use this site on a wide range of browsers. It also allows you to alter the way you can view any web site, from the size of text to the colour of hyperlinks.
Most of our visitors use Internet Explorer, Microsoft offer full accessibility help with their products and you can access this using ‘Help’ in your browser toolbar.

Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print PDF documents that appear on this website. To download this program for free, visit the Adobe website. To read PDF documents with a screen reader please link to the Access Adobe website which provides useful tools and resources.

Walker Love is committed to maintaining and monitoring the accessibility of this website. The site is audited at regular intervals. Please email us if you encounter problems.

How to adjust the text size in your browser:
It is possible to adjust the size of the text using your browser settings. Please see the instructions below for a variety of browsers:

Internet Explorer:
Go to the ‘View’ tab in the toolbar, click ‘Text Size’ and choose the desired option.

Go to the ‘View’ tab in the toolbar, click ‘Text Zoom’ and choose the desired font size.

Press ‘command’ and ‘+’ to increase font size or choose ‘View’ and make the text bigger from the menu.

For more information on accessibility guidelines, visit the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.